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Mac Delete Disk

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If you don't have another drive, you could purchase one, with SSD being the best option for Mac OS X scratch disk purposes. Follow these steps to change your scratch disk in Photoshop: Click on the Photoshop menu. Go to Preferences and then Scratch Disk. Tick the checkbox to select or remove a drive as the scratch disk. Restart Photoshop. There are two ways to remove a kext. The first way is by using the Terminal command kextunload. Determine which kext you need to remove. Be absolutely certain you've got the right one. Removing a system-critical kext can cause major problems, and kext names are often cryptic. Open Terminal and enter the following command.

In Mac systems, unlike Windows, you don't delete but erase files. However, this file erasure in Mac is similar to file deletion in Windows.

  1. Mac users often find their Downloads folder filled with disk images that they previously downloaded from the internet, files that – having already installed the apps – they forgot to delete after unmounting the image. As you may already know, installer files for macOS come with a DMG file extension – otherwise known as an.
  2. When you run the rm -R command on a folder, you're telling Terminal to delete that folder, any files it contains, any sub-folders it contains, and any files or folders in those sub-folders, all the.
  3. My friend's mac disk is so full that I can't delete files anymore. Cmd + alt + backspace is not working. Also the terminal is not functioning anymore and shows a 'process completed', so I can't delete files from there. I think this is all due to the lack of space.

In other words, when you erase a file in Mac, only the pointer location to the file is deleted from file system journal. However, the actual file and data remain on the Mac hard drive unless overwritten.

Thus, to permanently delete and secure erase data from a Mac hard drive, you need to overwrite it deliberately with the help of a secure data erasure standard such as DoD 5220.22-M, NATO, etc.

In Mac, you can do this via Disk Utility, Terminal Command, and by using a secure file erasure tool such as BitRaser for File Mac.

  1. Steps to Permanently Delete Mac Files with Disk Utility

IMPORTANT NOTE: With the first two methods—Disk Utility and Terminal Command—you can't permanently delete individual files from Mac hard drive. These two methods can help you wipe a Mac hard drive volume (other than the system volume) or physical external hard drive with DoD 5220.22-M standard.

Thus, if you want to permanently delete or secure erase individual or only a few selected files from Mac drives, skip to the last steps to permanently delete files on Mac with secure file erasure software.

On your Mac system,

  • Click on Launchpad and open ‘Disk Utility' under Utilities
  • Choose the hard drive volume that contains files that you want to remove
  • Click on ‘Erase' button at the top
  • Enter a volume ‘Name', choose a ‘Format,' and click ‘Security Options…'
  • Move slider to ‘Most Secure' and click ‘OK.'

The ‘Most Secure' security option is slowest. It implements U.S. DOD 5220.22M (7-pass) secure data erasure standard to erase every bit of information from your Mac hard drive.

  • Click ‘Erase'

Word document for macbook free download. If Disk Utility fails to wipe the disk, use diskutil Terminal Command discussed in the next method to secure-erase files from a Mac hard drive.

  1. Steps to Permanently Delete Files on macOS with Terminal Command

IMPORTANT NOTE:With secure-erase terminal command, you can't secure erase a particular hard drive volume. It securely wipes the entire disk. But you can use the Terminal to securely wipe empty storage space on a Mac hard drive volume.

  1. Go to Application> Utilities and open the Terminal app

CAUTION: Terminal is a powerful command-line tool in Mac. A minor typo in the command can lead to chaos and may turn your Mac machine into an expensive paperweight. Use it cautiously

  1. Type diskutil list

This command lists all the connected hard disks and volumes. Note down the disk number of Mac hard drive volume that you want to erase.

  1. Type diskutil secureErase 2 disk#

Replace # with the hard disk number. The command will erase the selected Mac hard drive with US DoD 5220.22M (7-pass) erasure standard

If you wish to wipe only free space on the Mac hard drive, enter the following command in Terminal window and press ‘Return' key,

diskutil secureErase freespace 2 disk#s#
Again, replace # values with the hard disk volume number

  1. Steps to Permanently Delete Files on Mac with BitRaser for File

With BitRaser for File, a simple and secure file eraser software, you can permanently delete all your sensitive files beyond recovery. It is a certified secure file eraser and privacy-safeguarding tool for Mac and Windows.

You can use the software to permanently delete specific or all files or folders from your Mac machine and supported storage drives. The software can erase files as per 17 international file erasure standards including DoD 5220.22-M, NATO, Gutmann, etc.

It also has two verification methods—Total and Random—that verify the data destruction simultaneously.

Thus, files and folders erased by using BitRaser for File can't be recovered through any data recovery software or services, including forensic tools.

To permanently delete files on Mac hard drive by using BitRaser for File, follow these simple steps:

  • Install and launch ‘BitRaser for File' on your Mac
  • Click on the gear icon at the top to choose ‘Settings'
  • Choose a data erasure algorithm, verification method, and Certificate Path from the respective drop-down lists and click ‘OK.'

Toggle ON ‘Files & Folder' or ‘Search & Erase' and toggle OFF all other options

Mac Delete Desktop

If you choose ‘Search & Erase' option, the software generates a tamper-proof and digitally signed certificate of erasure. This certificate and data erasure report can be used as a legit document to meet regulatory compliance and guarantees data destruction beyond the scope of recovery.

  • Click ‘Next' and explore the Mac hard drive volumes that contain files you want to delete permanently
  • Select the files and click ‘Erase'
  • Confirm the erasure task and restart your Mac machine when it's finished

With BitRaser for File, you can also remove other sensitive data such as Internet Activities data, system traces, and application traces stored on your Mac system and hard drives.

This sensitive data usually contains confidential information such as card details, chat messages, browsing history, saved passwords and auto-fill form info, etc.


If you want to permanently remove a confidential file, never erase it, always secure-erase with the help of a secure file erasure tool.

Mac os x iso file download. You could use macOS' proprietary tools such as Disk Utility and Terminal to secure-wipe your Mac hard drive. It is critical to do so when you need to sell, donate, or dispose of your Mac hard drive. But neither Disk Utility nor Terminal allows you to secure-erase individual or bunch of selected files from Mac hard drive.

In such a case, you can use a secure file eraser such as BitRaser for File. It lets you choose and destroy individual files and automate event-based file erasure tasks. Plus, you can use any of the 17 supported international data erasure standards to remove your sensitive data beyond the scope of recovery.

To learn more about BitRaser for file – Mac edition, click here.

What is taking up space on my Mac?

There comes a time in every computer's life when it is full of files and programs, slowing it down so much that its owner searches for an article such as this in order to cure it of these ailments (before it gets thrown out the window!).

Worry not, you're in the right place. This article will take you through 8 steps which will free up space on your Mac - removing unneeded files and clearing space for the stuff you actually need.

No matter if you're tech savvy or not, anyone can use these tips to breathe new life into their Mac.

To find out how much space is available on your Mac:

  1. Open the Apple menu (the Apple icon in the top-left corner of your screen).
  2. Click 'About this Mac'.
  3. Click 'Storage'.

This overview will show what categories are taking up the most space, as well as how much space is available on your Mac.

The 8 sections below address the biggest culprits of space-hogging on your Mac and how to clean them up.

Jump straight to:

1. Mac OS Storage Management

Mac Delete Disk Image

The first port of call when making space on your Mac is to see what tools your Mac offers you for such a task.

If your Mac is running macOS Sierra or later, it has great built-in tools for managing files and optimizing storage. To access these tools, click the apple icon in the top-left corner of your screen > About this Mac > Storage > Manage…

As you can see this is also how to check storage on Mac. The tool shows a breakdown of the storage space taken up on your Mac by media such as Apps, Books, Photos and others.

Let's have a look at each tool to see how it can help:

  • Store in iCloud: Quickly store files (Documents, Photos and Messages) from your Mac in iCloud. When considering how to clear space on Mac, getting rid of files quickly springs to mind- However, if you need to keep the files, you can just move them to an external hard drive, or into iCloud!

    Dancing drums slot machine app. Enabling this option will allow your Mac to automatically save space when it's needed.

    This is great as you'll be able to access your files on any device using your Apple ID. However, if you have a large number of files, you'll need to purchase more storage space than your allotted free amount (5GB)- obviously, depending on the amount of space you need, this can quickly become an expensive option.

  • Optimize Storage: For those who download and watch lots of movies and TV, this option can save you a lot of space and a lot of time. Enabling this option will allow your Mac to automatically remove such files (which can be HUGE depending on their length and quality) once you have watched them.
  • Empty Trash Automatically: Similar to the above, enabling this option allows the automatic removal of files, saving you time and space without having to keep on top of it manually. This will remove items in your Trash after 30 days of them being there. Be aware that once files have been removed from your Trash, you will not be able to retrieve them.

    Side note: Many points in this article will advise the removal of unwanted files from your Mac. However, these files are not completely removed from your computer until you empty the Trash (the space is not regained until they are removed from Trash). You can manually empty it by clicking the Trash Can icon in your dock, then clicking 'Empty'.

  • Reduce Clutter: Find large and unused files on your Mac and delete them from your system. You'll need to delete them manually, but it's well worth it if you can remove files that you do not use.

    Navigate to files that you don't need using the 'Large Files' or 'Downloads' sorters, then hit 'Delete.'. Note that this action will bypass sending the item to Trash, so it's permanent.
    If you're finding unwanted files using the 'File Browser' tab, you'll need to right-click > 'Move To Trash'.

2. Find Duplicate Files Mac

The quickest way to free up space on your Mac is to automatically remove files that you don't need. Without realizing it, you can accumulate gigabytes worth of duplicate files and folders on your computer.

The problem is that it can take so much time to find and delete these duplicates that people do not bother to do it even if they want to.

Luckily, you can use an app like Duplicate Sweeper to do this for you.

Duplicate Sweeper: Easily scan your Mac for duplicate files and photos. You can then select and remove duplicates based on your preferences. In this way you can keep your newest version of files and remove all duplicates with a click of a button.

In the example below, I was able to remove over 6000 files with one-click. This freed up 2.3 GB of space on my MacBook. Imagine manually going through and comparing 6000 files without Duplicate Sweeper. it would have taken forever!

For more information about Duplicate Sweeper, or to download the free trial:

Duplicate Sweeper homepage

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3. Unused Apps- Uninstall Programs on Mac

One of the biggest areas you should consider when looking at how to free up space on Mac is your Apps. Maybe unsurprisingly, apps on your Mac can be some of the largest files on your computer. Removing apps that you don't use can free up a huge amount of space. Let's list your apps by their files size:

Open Finder, then open the Applications section. Display the items as a list (using the button with 4 horizontal lines), then click the ‘Size' header to reorder your applications by size. You can then work down the list and decide which applications you don't use. Simply drag an application from the list into the Trash Can on your Dock to remove them.

Remember that you'll need to empty your Trash Can to completely remove the applications from your Mac.

4. Clean up media and downloads

The quality of media like photo and video is constantly improving. Unfortunately, this usually means that the corresponding files are bigger than they used to be.

Pharaohs fortune slot game. For this reason, your saved media could be a great place to free up some of that precious storage on your Mac.

Open Finder and look through your Pictures, Movies and Music folders. If there is media there that you don't want, select it and move it to Trash to get rid of later. If you prefer to delete this media from the associated apps like Photos and iMovie, see how to empty their trash.

It is also recommended to check your Downloads file for unwanted files too.

The padre 2018. This folder can receive copious amounts of files downloaded from multiple sources. Many of these files you may have only needed to read or use once.

You can get to your Downloads folder by opening a Finder window and clicking the 'Downloads' header.

Again, select whatever files you don't need, then right-click > Move to Trash/Bin.

Extra: Zipped / Archived files

If you receive a zipped file (with the .zip extension), opening it will unzip the file or folder and create the files in a non-zipped form.

This will create files that you can use, but it will not remove the (now unneeded) zip file. If you've already unzipped, you can delete the .zip file.

On the flip side, you can use file archiving to compress files or folders that you don't use regularly.

Say you have a folder of documents that you only need to save for safekeeping; right-click the folder in Finder and click 'Compress [file/folder name]'. This will compress the files and create a .zip file.

Don't forget to delete the original, uncompressed folder in order to save the space!

5. Delete iTunes backups

Completely Erase My Entire Macbook Drive

Depending on the number of files, photos, messages etc that you have stored on your iPhone, iPod or iPad, it's backup on your Mac can be huge.

Keeping backups of your devices is a good idea. If something was to happen to your device, your data can be restored to it (or another device) using your backup. However, these backup files can be massive, and you may never need them! For this reason, consider backing up your devices to iCloud instead – freeing up space on your Mac.

To set your device to backup to iCloud, go to Settings > (your name) > iCloud > iCloud Backup.
To initiate a backup, connect your device to a power source and also to a Wi-Fi network. Lastly, ensure that your device screen is locked and that you have enough free space in iCloud to store the backup.

How to delete backups on Mac - You can also delete the backups which you already have stored on your Mac. To do this, open iTunes and go to iTunes > Preferences > Devices. If you don't need the backups in the list, select and delete them!

Find out: where are iTunes backups stored?

Alternatively, if you don't want to use iCloud for backing up your data, or if you only need certain data from your backups, you could use iBackup Extractor. This handy tool allows you to access and browse your backups, and extract any important photos, messages etc. that you need. You can save this data to your computer, then delete the backup from iTunes as seen above!

6. How to Delete Temporary Files on Mac

Some of the most common questions asked are 'how to clear cache on mac' and 'how to delete cookies on mac'. Well, let's answer those for you!

Temporary and cache are files that are stored locally in order to speed up processes. For example, images from a website that you visited can be cached, so that when you visit the page again, you don't have to wait to download the images again, they are simply pulled in from the cache. That's great for processes that you use regularly, but without care, your temporary and cached files can build up and eat away at your Mac's performance.

Let's see how to clear cache on mac – Open Finder > Go > hold ‘option' and click ‘Library' > Caches. Download notepad for mac free. Select and delete any cache files and folders that you don't need to save space!

7. Taking out the Trash

Deleting files on your Mac usually only moves them to your Trash Can (or Bin).

This is great, because if you 'delete' something by accident, you can restore it to its original location - no harm done.

However, if you are culling files on your Mac to make space, you may wonder why you are not gaining storage after clicking delete.

To permanently delete files from the Mac, you'll need to empty your Trash Can. To do this, simply click the Trash Can (or Bin) icon in your Dock.

Here, you can review or restore files in your Trash/Bin.

To permanently delete all the files in your bin, click Empty. You'll be asked if you're sure, and to confirm the permanent deletion of the files.

Deleting files from Photos, iMovie and Mail apps.

Generally, you'll be able to use the steps above to permanently delete files. However, some apps have their own way to manage 'deleted' files.

As such, you'll need to empty trash cans in individual apps to ensure that files are fully deleted.

An example of this can be seen in the Photos app:

Click the 'Recently Deleted' header to access the trash in the Photos app.

After 'deleting' photos from the app, the files can remain in this section for up to 40 days before being automatically deleted.

Mac Delete Disk Image

If you are sure you'd like to permanently delete these photos, click 'Delete All' to remove them from your hard drive.

You can use similar steps to empty trash for other apps like iMovie and Mail.

8. Move files into external storage

The majority of the methods above cover how to delete unwanted files to gain space. But what you if want to keep your files?

If you need more space on your Mac, but deleting your files is not an option, you may want to consider investing in external storage.

Delete disk mac

You can purchase external storage drives pretty cheap nowadays.

The way this works is that you connect your external drive with your Mac via USB cable. The drive then pops up as a Location on your Mac:

You can then drag files from your Mac onto your external drive, or cut/paste them into specific folders on your drive.


These are the most effective steps to make the most of the available space on your Mac in our experience.

There's a lot of information above, but this is not an exhaustive list of everything you can do to clear space on your Mac. We hope that you now have the tools that you need to breathe new life into your Mac or MacBook.

Happy spring cleaning!

Mac Delete Desktop Pictures

Publisher: Wide Angle Software

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